If you are starting a new blog for earning purpose, so must take care quality of your blog. If you really want to earn a good amount of money through a blog, so you should must have a good quality blog. Normally a blog should have a lot of qualities but today through this blog I`ll share with you the top 5 tips. Without applying these tips you could not earn money from your blog.
- Perfect
Responsive Blog:
You should must have a responsive blog, For responsive blog
you can use and make a blog in blogger and WordPress Platforms, because of these two
Platforms provide you the Facility to make perfect Responsive Blogs.
Guys these two blogging platforms is best but, If you are just
starting your blogging career, If you are beginner, so I personally recommend
you make your first blog in blogger.com because blogger is a part of google
and it's very easy, you can easily make blog in blogger trust me, If you
want to make a blog in blogger, so you could search on
Google and watch videos on youtube and learn how to make a blog in blogger.
- The Benefit Of Interesting And Attractive Topics:
Topic is also a very important thing to make a good and
attractive blog, because, If you make good quality content for your blog but
your topic is not attractive and interesting so no-one will click on your blog,
But if your topic is interesting and attractive so everyone will click on your
blog and you get good and high traffic on your blog, As we all are knows
traffic is very important to rank a blog or website on search engines.
How to Choice Good Topic for the blog.
- You should not make your blog on such topics, on which the competition is too much high.
- You should write a blog on such topics about which you can write too much content easily. You could write a blog about technology, fitness, health, social media, etc., choice your own topic and write good content easily.
- Your topic should be searchable, because if your topic will be searchable so that you can get too much good traffic from every search engine.
- Use Unique Content For Blog:
If you write content about anythings, you much should have information about that, the second thing is this doesn`t use Copywrite content on your blog, create your own content and make your own unique blog.
If you will use copyrighted content on your blog/website, so
you will not get a good ranking on search engines.
- Benefits Of Social Media Platform For Bloggers:
Along with your blog, you should must create your blog
related page on a social media platform like: FB, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest,
LinkedIn etc., create your page on social media and post your blog on every
social media platform, because in nowadays almost everyone is using social
media, so social media is the best and good source to generate high and good
traffic for your blog.
- Good
Quality High Traffic, Rank Your Blog 1 Page:
Last and imprtant is
traffic, your blog/website must should have high and good quality traffic, for
whom you can use Multiple Articles, Keywords etc. so that you can get good
traffic from social media or search engines.
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