Hello guy`s welcome to my blog “Great Tech Tricks” today I`ll
share with you 6 great tips that really help to make money by blog, it`s doesn't
matter what type of blog you are running (free blog or paid). If you`ll follow
this 6 tips smartly, then truly you`ll earn good amount of money
from your blog. If you just started your blogging career, So this blog for you
guy`s, It`s really helpful tips trust me. And now without wasting
your important time
let`s start:
let`s start:
1. Maintain Quality On Blog: The quality of your blog will
determine its success. Post highly relevant good informative blog and back up
your claims with studies and researches. Also, focus on your blog content, Don’t
use copy-right content on your blog and grammar and spelling errors. This will
make you a professional blogger.
2. Be Consistent: Stick to your topic Avoid discussing many topics on
your blog to avoid confusion among your readers. Also, do not post statements
that counteract your previous posts or you'll lose your readers.
3. Pick A Catchy And Attractive Blog Name: Your blog name should include
keywords and keyphrases that effectively describe what your blog is all about
and which types of information you are providing. A combination of two or three
keywords should be enough as you need to keep your blog name as short as possible
for better recall.
4. Make Interesting Blog: Your blog should contain information that will focus
your readers' attention. Blogging about cooking? Write about common mistakes
new cooks commit and how they can easily avoid it.
5. Create Visuals Blog: Make your site more visually appealing when you do
your blogging. Blogging about traveling? Post pictures of white sand beaches,
nice accommodation, great food, and friendly people.
6. Use Blog Software: There are several free applications you can use to
create and maintain your blog. Using such software or blogware is helpful in
the editing process, which in turn could accelerate your blogging.